Jaarverslag onderzoek & innovatie
- Onderzoek naar de opvoeding en ontwikkeling van kinderen met en zonder complexe zorgnoden
- Chavez Arana, C., Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., Serrano-Juarez, C. A., De Pauw, S. & Prinzie, P. (2023). Interventions to improve executive functions in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis. Child Neuropsychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/09297049.2023.2172150
- De Clercq, L., Prinzie, P., Swerts, C., Ortibus, E., & De Pauw, S. (2022). ‘Tell me about your child, the relationship with your child and your parental experiences’: A qualitative study of spontaneous speech samples among parents raising a child with and without autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy or down syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10882-021-09800-1
- De Clercq, L., Prinzie, P., Warreyn, P., Soenens, B., Dieleman, L., & De Pauw, S. (2021). Expressed emotion in families of children with and without autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy and down syndrome: Relations with parenting stress and parenting behaviors. Journal of Autism and developmental disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05075-9
- Dieleman, L. M., Soenens, B., Prinzie, P., De Clercq, L., Ortibus, E., & De Pauw, S. S. W. (2021). Daily parenting of children with cerebral palsy: The role of daily child behavior, parents’ daily psychological needs, and mindful parenting. Development and Psychopathology, 33(1), 184-200. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579419001688
- De Clercq, L. (2021, 1 Maart). Ouderschapspraktijken en ervaringen in gezinnen van kinderen met en zonder een autismespectrumstoornis, cerebrale parese of downsyndroom: Een mixed-methodsonderzoek. University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. (promotor: S. de Pauw (UGent)).
- Dieleman, L. M., Soenens, B., Prinzie, P., De Clercq, L., & De Pauw, S. S. W. (2021). Parenting children with Cerebral Palsy: A longitudinal examination of the role of child and parent factors. Exceptional Children. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014402920986462
- De Clercq, L., Soenens, B., Dieleman, L.M., Prinzie, P., Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Beyers, W., & De Pauw, S.S.W. (2020). Parenting and child personality as modifiers of the psychosocial development of youth with Cerebral Palsy. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-020-01106-1
- De Clercq, L. E., Dieleman, L. M., van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Soenens, B., Prinzie, P., & De Pauw, S. (2020). Negative controlling parenting and child personality as modifiers of psychosocial development in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A 9-year longitudinal study at the level of within-person change. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04761-4
- Huysentruyt, K., Geeraert, F., Allemon, H., Prinzie, P., Roelants, M., Ortibus, E., & De Schepper J. (2020). Nutritional red flags in children with cerebral palsy. Clinical Nutrition, 39(2), 548-553. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2019.02.040
- Dieleman, L. (2019, 6 Juni). Noodondersteunend opvoeden bij kinderen met Downsyndroom, Cerebrale Parese of een autismespectrumstoornis: op zoek naar sleutels voor een betere ondersteuning. University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. (promotor: B. Soenens (UGent), co-promotores: P. Prinzie and S. de Pauw (UGent)).
- De Clercq, L., Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Dieleman, L. M., Soenens, B., Prinzie, P., & De Pauw, S. S. W. (2019). Parenting and psychosocial development in youth with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome: a cross-disability comparison. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3(2), 220-234. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41252-019-00112-2
- Dieleman, L. M., Soenens, B., De Pauw, S. S. W., Prinzie, P., Vansteenkiste, M., & Luyten, P. (2019). The role of parental reflective functioning in the relation between parents’ self-critical perfectionism and psychologically controlling parenting towards adolescents. Parenting: Science and Practice, 20(1), 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2019.1642087
- Dieleman, L., Soenens, Vansteenkiste, M., Prinzie, P., Laporte, N., & De Pauw, S. S. W. (2019). Daily sources of autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting in mothers of children with ASD: The role of child behavior and mothers’ psychological needs. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(2), 509-526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-018-3726-3
- Dieleman, L. M., Soenens, B., De Pauw, S. S. W., Prinzie, P., Vansteenkiste, M., & Luyten, P. (2019). The role of parental reflective functioning in the relation between parents’ self-critical perfectionism and psychologically controlling parenting towards adolescents. Parenting: Science and Practice.
- Dieleman, L., Soenens, Vansteenkiste, M., Prinzie, P., Laporte, N., & De Pauw, S. S. W. (2019). Daily sources of autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting in mothers of children with ASD: The role of child behavior and mothers’ psychological needs. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 509-526.
- Dieleman, L.M., Moyson, T., De Pauw, S.S.W., Prinzie, P., & Soenens (2018). Parents’ need-related experiences and behaviors when raising a child with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, e26-e37.
- Dieleman, L., De Pauw, S., Soenens, B., Mabbe, E., Campbell, R., & Prinzie, P. (2018). Relations between problem behaviors, perceived symptom severity and parenting in adolescents and emerging adults with ASD: The mediating role of parental psychological need frustration. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 73, 21-30.
- Dieleman, L., De Pauw, S., Soenens, B., Van Hove, G. & Prinzie, P. (2018). Behavioral problems and psychosocial strengths: unique factors contributing to the behavioral profile of youth with Down syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disorders, 123, 212-227.
- Karlsson, P., Bech, A., Stone, H., Vale, C., Griffin, S., Monbaliu, E., Wallen M. (2018). Eyes on communication: trialling eye-gaze control technology in young children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 25, 1-7.
- Monbaliu, E., De Cock, P., Mailleux, L., Dan, B., & Feys, H. (2017). The relationship of dystonia and choreoathetosis with activity, participation and quality of life in children and youth with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 21, 327-335.
- Monbaliu, E., De La Peña, M., Ortibus, E., Molenaers, G., Deklerck, J.,& Feys H. (2017). Functional outcomes in children and young people with dyskinetic cerebral palsy.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 59, 634-640.
- Dieleman, L., De Pauw, S., Soenens, B., & Prinzie, P. (2017). Examining bidirectional relationships between parenting and child maladjustment in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A nine-year longitudinal study. Development and Psychopathology. 29, 1199–1213.
- Monbaliu, E., Himmelmann, K., Lin, J.P., Ortibus, E., Bonouvrié, L, Feys, H., Vermeulen, R. J, & Dan, B. (2017) Clinical presentation and management of dyskinetic cerebral palsy.Lancet Neurololgy, 16, 741-749.
- Debrouwere, I., Lebeer, J., & Prinzie, P. (2016). The use of the International Classification of Functioning, disability and health in primary care: Findings of exploratory implementation throughout life. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, 27, 57-76.
- Monbaliu, E., De Cock, P., Ortibus, E., Heyrman, L., Klingels, K., & Feys H. (2016). Clinical patterns of dystonia and choreoathetosis in participants with dyskinetic cerebral palsy.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 58 , 138–144.
- Van Gilst, C., Van Peteghem, A., & Prinzie, P . (2016). Externaliserende en internaliserende gedragsproblemen en kwaliteit van leven bij jongeren met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel. Kind en Adolescent, 37, 230-245.
- Dieleman, L., De Pauw, S., Soenens, B., Prinzie, P., & Van Howe, G. (2015). Gedragsproblemen en sterktes bij kinderen met Downsyndroom. Kind & Adolescent, 36, 101-118.
- Vrijmoeth, C., Monbaliu, E., Lagast, E., & Prinzie, P., (2014). Gedragsproblemen bij jeugdigen met een motorische en verstandelijke beperking: relaties met persoonlijkheidskenmerken en huwelijksstress van ouders. Kind en Adolescent, 35, 22-36.
- Achterberg, T.J., Haije, W., Prinzie, P., & Frings-Dresen, M. (2013). Inter-rater reliability of the MELBA in young disabled adults with psychosocial limitations. Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation.
- Heyrman, L., Desloovere, K., Molenaers, G., Verheyden, G., Klingels, K., Monbaliu, E., Feys, H. (2013). Clinical characteristics of impaired trunk control in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (1), 327-334.
- Monbaliu, E., De Cock, P., Feys, H. (2013). Towards a further understanding of childhood dystonia. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55 (6), 495-496.
- Monbaliu, E., Ortibus, E., Prinzie, P., Dan, B., De Cat, J., De Cock, P., Feys, H. (2013). Can the Dyskinesia Impairment Scale be used by inexperienced raters? A reliability study. European journal of paediatric neurology, 17 (3), art.nr. S1090-3798(12)00223-1, 238-247.
- Mol, E., Monbaliu, E., Ven, M., Vergote, M.,& Prinzie, P. (2012). The use off night orthoses in cerebral plasy treatment: Sleep disturbance in children and parental burden or not? Research in Develpmental Disabilities, 33, 341-349.
- Monbaliu, E., Ortibus, E., De Cat, J., Dan, B., Heyrman, L., Prinzie, P., De Cock, P., & Feys, H. (2012). The Dyskinesia Impairment Scale: a new instrument to measure dystonia and choreoathetosis in dyskinetic cerebral palsy.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 278-283.
- Zoer, I., de Graaf, L., Kuijer, P.F.M., Prinzie, P., Hoozemans, M.J.M., Frings-Dresen, M.H.W. (2012). Matching work capacities and demands at job placement in employees with disabilities, Work, 42, 205-214,doi: 10.3233/WOR-2012-1343.
- Vrijmoeth, C., Monbaliu, E., Lagast, E., & Prinzie, P. (2012). Behavioral problems in children with motor and intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and associations with maladaptive personality and marital relationship. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 1027-1038.
- Smit, W., Sabbe, B., & Prinzie, P. (2011). Reliability and Validity and of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Measured in Adults with Physical Disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 23, 277-287. doi 10.1007/s10882-011-9227-3
- Heyrman, L., Molenaers, G., Desloovere, K., Verheyden, G., De Cat, J., Monbaliu, E.,& Feys, H.
- Monbaliu, E., Ortibus, E., Roelens, F., Desloovere, K., Declercq, J., Prinzie, P., De Cock, P., & Feys, H. (2010). Rating scales for dystonia in patients with cerebral palsy: Reliability and evaluation of the Barry Albright Dystonia Scale, Burke Fahn Marsden Scale and Unified Dystonia Rating Scale,Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 52, 570-575. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03581.
- Vandamme, D. (2010). Assessment of motor and process skills: Assessing client work performance in Belgium, Work, -A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 35, 201-208. doi: 10.3233/WOR-2010-0972